Dad and daughter by mountain lake - Family adventure films

Four family adventure films to inspire a life change

Along our journey and in the planning stages, there have been certain films and songs that have inspired us and kept us going. Here are four family adventure films that helped inspire our life change that we thought you might enjoy.

The films are:

  1. All the Time in the World
  2. Vixens Voyage
  3. GIVEN
  4. The Passage

I hope you enjoy any of them that you choose to watch – if you know of any others please share the details in the comments.

1. All the Time in the World

A documentary film by Suzanne Crocker

Short description

A film about a family who swap their ordinary life to go live off-grid in the wilderness. They take no clocks with them, and enjoy a slow pace of life among nature and learning about themselves.

Our thoughts

We love this film – all of us, Nick and I, plus our two daughters (2 and 6 at the time of writing). I came across this film about 4 years ago when we were starting to dream up our life change and adventure. We bought the film and have it downloaded on our iPad, and have watched it many times over. Our eldest daughter was mezmerised by this families adventure from about the age of 2.5 years old and continues to be. That always stuck with me, how much she their story – we even do our Halloween the way they do in the film.

I feel this film will be much loved through our lifetimes – I love the slow pace, the connection with the natural world, and the wise words from all the family, but especially the children from this experience.

Website description

In search of a new perspective, a family of five leave the comforts of home to live remotely, off-grid, in the Yukon wilderness during the long northern winter and amidst the surprises that the rawness of nature provide. The parents leave their jobs and take their three children, ages 10, 8 and 4, to spend nine months living and being home-schooled in a small cabin with no road access, no electricity, no running water, and no internet, no TV, no phone and, most importantly, no clocks or watches.

Where to watch the film

You can rent the film from Vimeo for $4.99 or you can buy and download the film from Vimeo for $14.99 – details here.

Other options can be found on their website page Home Viewing.

2. Vixens Voyage

A documentary film by Nicole Halabisky

Short description

A short film about a family who sail around the world in their wooden boat, with two daughters who are born along the way.

Our thoughts

This film is short but sweet – a gentle glimpse into the lives of this family who sailed around the world. Our eldest daughter has always been intrigued by the two daughters in the film (who were born along on the journey), I think because they looked a bit like her and her little sister. She also loves how they get to climb all over their boat!

It has always felt really uplifting to us watching this as a family – and we watched it many times during the lead up to going on our life changing adventure. I especially remember watching it on the hard days before we left, when we were feeling low and needed picking up.

Website description

11 years ago, Bruce and Tiffany Halabisky decided to give up on a conventional lifestyle, buy a small wooden boat and sail around the world (having two children along the way.). Vixen’s Voyage is a glimpse into their life aboard.

Where to watch the film

Watch the film for free here on Vimeo.


A film by Jess Bianchi

Short description

A family of surfers travel around the world, narrated by their 6 year old son.

Our thoughts

I came across the Goodwin family back in the early days of planning our life change, and their website really inspired me. I feel like there was an original short film called The Goodwin Project, but I can only find the trailer for it and no other mention, so perhaps I am mistaken and it was all leading up to this film, GIVEN.

Basically, it’s just a lovely feel good film about a family travelling the world together, and quite different as it’s narrated by their 6 year old song. Our eldest daughter (aged 6 at writing this) really enjoyed watching it too.

Website description

Given is the story of a legacy that takes one unique family (legendary surfers Daize and Aamion Goodwin) on an adventure from their home in Kauai around the world. Told though the memories of a 6 year old, Given is about the love and bonds of family, the quest for surf, and the power of a child’s imagination.

Where to watch the film

You can rent the film for $5.99 or buy the film for $12.99 both available via their website.

I believe it was also available to watch on Netflix, although can’t say whether it still is as you read this.

4. The Passage

A film by Day’s Edge Productions

Short description

A film about two brothers, who along with their dad and uncle set out to complete a canoe trip along the Inside Passage (from Washington to Alaska). Their dad and uncle, along with a few friends, had part completed the trip in handmade canoes back in the 1970s.

Our thoughts

This film is a bit different to the other films as it’s not about a young family. However, there are some beautiful and powerful messages in this film that really impacted Nick and I when we watched this film. We only came across it recently, but it is one I want to watch again, and can imagine watching it many times again.

Having come to the end of our current family adventure, this film was a really moving one for us to watch and reflect on what we’ve done.

Website description

In 1974, my 20-year-old parents and uncle Andy built their own canoes, launched them into the Pacific, and became some the first people in modern history to canoe from Washington to Alaska up the Inside Passage. My brother and I grew up paddling those wooden canoes in the Virginia rivers and the 1974 adventure became legend in our family – shaping who we’ve become, how we view our parents, and how our parents view themselves. In the summer of 2017, we renovated those canoes and with our aging parents completed their 1974 journey. The Passage is a story about growing up, growing old, and the wild places that define us.

Where to watch the film

Watch the film for free here on Vimeo.