Search by tag: breakfast

Exploring Weggis (Switzerland) In A Campervan

Written on July 27, 2020 in Family Travel

Exploring Weggis (Switzerland) in a Campervan At the end of January 2020 our family of 4 took a short trip to Switzerland in our faithful campervan Honey the Baby Bus. I (Charlie) was in the middle of a solo parent campe...

Exploring The Alsace With Kids

Written on February 24, 2020 in Family Travel

Riquewihr Exploring the Alsace with kids In our 2 years of travelling around Europe in our motorhome, we have spent the majority of that time exploring France. A quick look at our route maps for 2018 and 2019 will show y...

Pyrenees Wild Camping With Kids

Written on February 19, 2019 in Family Travel

Pyrenees wild camping with kids In July we spent a couple of days camping and foraging in the Pyrenees in France. It was one of our favourite spots on our journey so far. It was great for our daughters with a pebbly moun...

A Day Exploring Venice With Kids

Written on November 6, 2018 in Family Travel

A day exploring Venice with kids During our travels around Italy we spent 1 day exploring Venice with our kids. I wanted to share what we did and why it worked for us, and how we tried to keep from spending lots of money...

Exploring Lagrasse With Kids

Written on August 13, 2018 in Family Travel

Exploring Lagrasse with kids The joys of unplanned travel One of the special things about travelling in this way – with no plan, no destinations – is the excitement of stumbling across somewhere really specia...

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